Wednesday, May 17, 2023

 Haven’t written in an age. But I’m back to my writing so here I am again.  

My vision has brought me to starting a writers “Roundup” (support group) here in rapidly growing Winnsboro, Texas. 

I teach senior chair yoga at the senior center but we’ve just been evicted from our location so don’t know yet what the future will be for that class. The zoom class I teach is being broken up by illness. And my three year stint teaching art to a brilliant boy at his home has come to an end. 

So I’m returning to recording my stories through writing because doing jig saw puzzles isn’t challenging enough. So far my poetry was published in the ‘70’s and a kids story was recently published in a local town newspaper with my illustrations the major part of the tale. The idea was that children would enjoy coloring them and send them in to the paper and there would be a contest with the prize being having their picture taken with me published in the paper. 

It was a good idea. One coloring was sent in in the 7 issues that the project ran. I lost interest in it. So here I am waking up my blog and settling in to the story of Robert and my amazing journey to Africa in the early “80’s”. Friends have begged me to publish the story and it really needs to be done.

So I’m starting a writers group to help me (and other writers) stay focused  I chose the new bakery in town It’s roomy, quiet and full of goodies and inviting smells  

Please come join me here 3 pm on Hwy 11 near the arts district and the best Mexican restaurant in town and we’ll read and suggest and help each other grow.  

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